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After the setting up from 1967, Experiment Station for Norway spruce Silviculture, was a proper place not only for the developpment of a lage range of researches, but also for the works necessary for the elaboration of Ph.d. thesis. Until now, by this point of view, at the Station was prepared 9 Ph.d. thesis.

Radu Ichim
Researches about the precision of cubing methods applied in Norway spruce stands in comparison with the variability of tree's form Prof. Nicolae Rucareanu Faculty of Silviculture and Wood Harvesting Brasov
Ion Barbu
Researches regarding the influence of site factors on snow damages in forest of Bucovina Prof. Constantin Paunescu Faculty of Silviculture and Wood Harvesting Brasov
Ion Sima
Contributions on the knowledge of fungs which produce the rotten stuff of Norway spruce in Bucovina Prof. Ion Tudor Faculty of Silviculture and Wood Harvesting Brasov
Vasile Mihalciuc
Contributions on the knowledge of the biology of the insect Trypodendron lineatum Oliv., which produce damages of resinous in Bucovina. Measures of prevent and control Prof. Ion Tudor Faculty of Silviculture and Wood Harvesting Brasov
Nicolae-Mihail Geambasu
Researches about the forestry soils and sites from Massif Rarau for the optimum valorification of the productive potential Prof. Constantin Paunescu Faculty of Silviculture and Wood Harvesting Brasov
Radu Cenusa
Researches about the structure, the ecological volume and the succesion of the upper limit forest ecosystems from North of Eastern Carpathians (Calimani and Giumalau) Dr. Ioan Catrina Academy of Agricultural and Forest Science
Nicolai Olenici
Researches regarding the cone and seeds insects of larix in Romania Prof. Darie Parascan Faculty of Silviculture and Wood Harvesting Brasov
Ionel Popa
Models of stability at wind action for trees and stands Prof. Victor Giurgiu Faculty of Silviculture Suceava
Radu Vlad
  Prof. Victor Giurgiu Faculty of Silviculture Suceava
